Raspberry PI kit (Black remote control)

Raspberry PI kit (Black remote control)

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Product Description

Raspberry PI kit (Black remote control)


Kit ListQty
The black remote control 17 button1
Breadboard 830 Point Solderless PCB Bread Board 1
10K resistor 10
560R resistor 10
LCD screen 16021
65pcs Shield cables Male to Male wire kit1
20cm Female to Female
DuPont line
20cm Female to Female
3Pin DuPont line
1 * 40 row needle1
Raspberry PI GPIO adapter plate + line1
18B20 temperature sensor1
Yellow hat + key2
Red hat + key2
F5 green light-emitting diodes (leds)2
F5 red red leds2
a three color plug-in components1
adjustable potentiometer1
Infrared receiving sensor1