H044 Kit apprendimento Base per raspberry PI (premium) e Arduino

H044 Kit apprendimento Base per raspberry PI (premium) e Arduino

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Product Description

H044 Kit apprendimento Base per raspberry PI (premium) e Arduino


Kit ListQty
Resistance package
(1K 5pcs+10K 5pcs + 220R 8pcs )
The LED package ( red light 5pcs + yellow light 5pcs +blue light 5pcs )1
SR04 ultrasonic module1
Household appliances control module1
The Mini LCD screen1
Raspberry PI GPIO extension plate V21
50K adjustable potentiometer1
DHT11 temperature and humidity
on the red board
9g servo1
10 mm full-color highlighting sensors1
5V stepper motor1
The bread line 30PCS 1
GPIO 40 p rainbow row line1
Male to female dupont line 20pcs1
830 hole quality bread board1
Black remote control1
Yellow keys1
ULN2003 stepper motor driver module1
PCF8591 AD/DA conversion module1
The one digital tube1
4 * 4 membrane keyboards1
The four digital tube1
74H595 IC1
MAX7219 lattice modules1
DS3231 precision clock1
801S vibration sensor1
PS2 game rocker arm module1


small wrap ( LM35 components 1 pc + Fire element 1pc + Photosensitive element 3pcs + Receive head components 1pc + Ball bearing components 2pcs )1